Issue 88 - Create your own objects in Shopify

  • Disclosure

    Disclosure is an optionally controlled component used to put long sections of information under content blocks that users can expand or collapse by pressing an activator. The activator can be specified as children using an action component


  • Accessing Shopify product lists by index

    If you’ve not tried to do it before, you’d expect that accessing a product or collection list by index is as simple as adding [index] after your variable, right? Well unfortunately in Shopify that won’t work.

    David Warrington

  • A Web Component Intro with Example

    Web Component is a standard built into the browser. At the time of writing every major browser supports this feature. It is an underrated feature and often shadowed by popular SPA frameworks like React and Angular. I say this feature is underrated because WC (Web Component) predates React and it does not require importing any external libraries. Enough of history lets see how to write a component.

    Mohamed Rasvi

  • Shopify Metaobjects - Create your own objects in Shopify

    Metaobjects. They sound quite similar to metafields but while metafields are used to extend existing models in Shopify, metaobjects allow us to create completely new ones. Metaobjects were first announced as part of the Shopify Winter 2023 Edition. To be honest, not a lot of fuss was made about them but for some users, I’m sure it would have been so exciting to see that you can now create your own objects in Shopify.

    Code with Chris

  • Lessons From Linguistics: i18n Best Practices for Front-End Developers

    In our globalized and interconnected world, apps and websites are increasingly being targeted at an international audience. Developers are more likely than ever to be working with content that is intended to be served in several languages. For instance, the Shopify admin is available in 21 languages.

    Lucas Huang

  • Output Richtext Metafield Using Custom Liquid Block

    Your Metafield needs to match the type of block to output it! To output an image Metafield you need an image block. And to output a rich text or multi-line Metafield you need a rich text block. If you don't have the right block or section type, then you can use a custom liquid block instead. Here I show how to output the rich text metafield using the custom liquid block in Dawn theme.

    Ed Codes

  • Shopify Is The New Wordpress But 10x Better CodingPhase 100K subscribers

    In this video, we explore why Shopify has emerged as the new WordPress and why it's 10 times better. While WordPress has long been the go-to platform for creating websites, Shopify has quickly become the preferred choice for online businesses, and for good reason. We'll delve into the key features that make Shopify stand out from WordPress, including its ease of use, scalability, and security. We'll also discuss how Shopify's robust e-commerce tools and integrations make it the perfect platform for online businesses looking to grow and succeed.


  • Customer login using Fingerpint or Face Id into your Shopify store

    In a Shopify store you can allow your users to easily login using Fingerprint, Touch Id, Face Id or Device Ping using my app, Simplify My Login. Let's take a look at how its done!

    Yash Agarwal

  • What working with Tailwind CSS every day for 2 years looks like

    In this blog post, I'll be highlighting two of the cons mentioned in this analysis that I struggled with: type safety and the learning curve. I'll also be talking about my current workflow with Tailwind CSS.


  • Tokengating

    Tokengating lets merchants offer eligible token holders exclusive access to products and discounts. For example, a merchant can give customers who hold their token a 25%-off discount. Customers can unlock the discount by connecting their wallet to prove that they own the token. Merchants can use tokengating to build loyalty and reward mechanisms for their communities and customers.


  • How to avoid tricky async state manager pitfalls in React

    These days, the local-first approach for building web apps is gaining more and more popularity. Most of these databases provide async APIs, and that make a big difference with our React apps. Read on to find out how to nip any potential problems in the bud.

    Ivan Buryak and Travis Turner