Issue 97 - Intro to Templates & Metafields

  • What is the difference between Turbo and Stimulus, and what exactly is Hotwire?

    If it has been a while since you last used Rails, you may be feeling a little lost with some of the newer, front-end focussed features that Rails has added over the years. Stimulus, Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames, Turbo Streams, Strada, Hotwire - what is all this stuff, and where do you start?

    Sid Krishnan

  • One page checkout in the checkout editor

    Developers can now customize and preview one page checkout from the checkout editor. With this new developer preview, one page checkout is automatically compatible with existing checkout extensions and customizations. Preview and prepare for one page checkout today.


  • Generated test data

    By default, Shopify stores are created empty, without any data. To speed up the development and testing process, you can create a development store that's populated with test data generated by Shopify. The generated test data set includes the most common commerce primitives and configurations that you need to test an app, theme, or custom storefront, including some Plus-specific features.


  • Git MERGE vs REBASE: Everything You Need to Know

    Git MERGE vs REBASE: Everything You Need to Know


  • Intro to Templates & Metafields - Shopify Beginners Tutorial

    Templates are for grouping products, or modifying the design of product pages based on a certain type of product. Metafields are for outputting content on a page that is unique for each product.

    Ed Codes

  • i18n Best Practices for Shopify Developers

    Throughout this post, we’ll look at various ways that English grammar can be internalized in code, leading to errors in translation, and at the end I'll provide some development best practices to help you avoid these common pitfalls.


  • State of APIs

    Join us for the virtual event “State of APIs” where industry experts and thought leaders will gather to discuss the latest trends, best practices, and emerging styles in the world of REST, GraphQL, and RPC.

    This Dot Media

  • Elizabeth Kenyon - Extension Only Apps

    In cases you missed it, one of the most requested features with Checkout UI extension was released! the ability to create "extension-only" apps! this means now for simple extensions you no longer need to create an embedded app home.

    Elizabeth Kenyon

  • Discount App Components Support For Combination Options

    If you're using the Discount App Components library for Shopify Functions the team cut a new release 1.2.0 that works with the new discount combination options.

    David Cameron