Issue 129 - Checkout Extensions and Branding

  • How To Fix Invalid_Target in Shopify Theme Dev [Shopify CLI]

    In today's unexpected tutorial, we'll address a common issue encountered while setting up Shopify theme development locally using Shopify CLI 3.0. If you've been grappling with the "invalid underscore target" error when running the Shopify theme dev command, then this video is tailored just for you!


  • Shopify: AWS Serverless Webhooks. Robust Webhooks Integrations using AWS

    Using the EventBridge connector you can quickly create a custom Shopify app that can queue, consume, and process webhook data in well-formed processes that run on AWS infrastructure, minimizing your app’s custom code footprint and offloading the server maintenance responsibilities to a competent third-party in AWS.

    Stephen Biston

  • Shopify Liquid Development - Using Javascript Frameworks (React, Vue, Svelte, etc) - YouTube

    In this video we are going to see how to use Javascript frameworks such as Vue, Svelte or React in a Liquid theme. This approach is intended for when for one reason or the other you need to reach for one of those frameworks to build a section of your Shopify theme.

    Stacking Context

  • Improving LCP on Your Shopify App | Daniel Beck

    Last contentful paint (LCP) is a big pain-point for Shopify app developers seeking the Built for Shopify (BFS) badge. There’s a lot of different factors that can slow you down, it depends on real-world performance, and there’s a delay before you see the metrics. This makes it hard to iterate quickly and it can take a long time to identify and fix issues.

    Daniel Beck

  • ui-extensions/documentation/ at 124581af0dfd4a583e668a20ea034879983b9d0d · Shopify/ui-extensions

    The underlying technology for UI Extensions is remote-ui, an open source technology built by Shopify. remote-ui provides the basic message passing system that is used by UI Extensions to communicate with the “host” application they are extending. remote-ui also provides the component model extensions use to describe their UI. If you are familiar with building for the web, remote-ui is very similar to the DOM — it gives you a programmatic model for defining UI components and attaching UI to the screen.


  • Web Workers API - Web APIs | MDN

    Shopify's Checkout Extensions are run in a Web Worker. Web Workers makes it possible to run a script operation in a background thread separate from the main execution thread of a web application. The advantage of this is that laborious processing can be performed in a separate thread, allowing the main (usually the UI) thread to run without being blocked/slowed down.


  • Oh My Git!

    Oh My Git! is an open source game that introduces players to the popular version control system "Git". It is highly interactive, and aims at building intuition for operations like "merging" or "rebasing" branches. Players are guided through the features of Git step by step – each level tells a little story where the player can use their new-found powers to solve problems or help others.

    Oh My Git!

  • Customize the header that displays at checkout

    This guide explains how to customize the header using Checkout Extensibility. You'll use checkout UI extensions and the GraphQL Admin API's checkout branding types to render a customized header on the checkout and Thank you pages.


  • Technologies for customizing Shopify checkout

    There are many options available that allow you to customize and extend Shopify checkout. This guide introduces the available technologies for customizing checkout, and ways that you can extend checkout.
