Issue 136 - How to set up Google Analytics in the right way for a Shopify app

  • The LaserDisc - by Bradford Morgan White - Abort Retry Fail

    This has nothing to do with Shopify but was a fun piece of computer / electronics history. Did you ever see or perhaps even posses a laserdisc player? I fondly recall seeing them at the mall growing up. Take a break from app and theme development and enjoy this brief trip back in time.

    Abort Retry Rail

  • How to set up Google Analytics in the right way for a Shopify app

    Understanding sources of traffic and installs is very important for your Shopify app to improve your listing and focus on the right channels for your marketing efforts. Without understanding your data, you can’t make data-driven decisions, which is important for the progress of your app.

    Farid Movsumov

  • Intro to Shopify Speed Optimization 2024

    Shopify has replaced the lighthouse speed score with three new metrics - Loading Speed, Interactivity, and Visual Stability. You can click into these to see more details in the new Web Performance Dashboard (or go to Analytics - Reports - Performance). Just as with the old speed score (based on Google Lighthouse), this is not a Shopify invention but a standard set by Google.

    Ed Codes

  • Hide payment method on checkout using the Shopify Payment Customization Function

    Hide payment method on checkout using the Shopify Payment Customization Function Step-by-step Guide to creating the Shopify function.

    Saad Saif

  • Zellij - A Terminal Workspace

    Zellij is a terminal workspace. It has the base functionality of a terminal multiplexer (similar to tmux or screen) but includes many built-in features that would allow users to extend it and create their own personalized environment.


  • Apps Should Perform Sanity Checking

    Harshdeep recently shared his opinion and code example in support of writing apps that validate the sanity of their config. Doing so goes a long way towards eliminating a spectrum of support issues and app bugs.

    Harshdeep Singh Hura

  • How to Host Your Shopify App STEP BY STEP

    In this video we'll cover how to host your Shopify app using 3 popular hosting options:, Heroku, and DigitalOcean.

    Dev With Alex

  • Pre/ditions: an event by the ecosystem, for the ecosystem

    Join Gadget and Mantle on June 24 for a full-day of talks, panels, and networking as we gear up for Editions. Double the content means double the impact, with 15+ speakers from across the community covering topics for both app devs and agencies. Get your tickets!'